At Cashie Baptist we...

  1. Pray for each other
  2. Take care of each other
  3. Hold each other accountable
  4. Live like Christians
  5. Worship with our families
  6. Prioritize gathering
  7. Give to God’s work
  8. Step up to serve
  9. Introduce people to Jesus
  10. Stay connected

All of those are based on our church covenant, which you can read below.


Forasmuch as Almighty God by His grace hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light, and all of us having been baptized upon a profession of our faith in Christ Jesus, and have given up ourselves to the Lord and to one another in a Gospel Church way, we do, therefore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by His assistance, covenant and agree to keep up the discipline, maintenance, and promotion of the church in the most brotherly and affectionate manner toward one another while we endeavor faithfully to observe the following rules, viz:

1. In brotherly love to pray for one another, to watch over one another, and if need be, to reprove one another in the most affectionate manner according to the directions given by our Lord--that is, if we discover anything amiss in anyone, and not to be whispering, backbiting, or in any way injuring another.

2. In a Christ-like way, to walk circumspectly in the world, abstaining from all unchristian business or activities.

3. We do also covenant and agree, by God's help, to pray in our families, to attend regularly our church meetings and the communion of the Lord's Supper, to observe the Lord's day and keep it holy, to worship Scripturally with our means for support of the church and the spread of the Gospel, to accept places of responsibility and service, to seek the salvation of the lost, and not to irregularly depart from the fellowship of the church nor remove to distant churches without a regular letter of transferral.

4. These things, and all other things necessary and pleasing to the Lord, we do covenant and agree to keep sacred in the name of, and by the assistance of the Holy Trinity, Amen.

Moreover, we engage by the grace of God, to keep the faith once for all delivered to the saints which we believe includes the following [found in the Articles of Faith, under the page Our Beliefs].